Many pawnshops are owned by some partnership group. It could be a multi-owner corporation, a couple of friends or as we see very often, family members. In every case it’s important to make sure you have taken steps to cover yourself from a legal standpoint. It shouldn’t sour the business relationship as long as all parties are looking to make sure they are equally covered.
Nina B. Ries of the Ries Law Group posted an article on The Huffington Post that gives some tips on protecting yourself when in a business partnership. They include defining specific roles for each partner, who makes which kinds of decisions as well as compensation and even exit strategies.

Article Name
Five Tips From a Business Litigator
Nina B. Ries of the Ries Law Group posted an article on The Huffington Post that gives some tips on protecting yourself when in a business partnership. They include defining specific roles for each partner, who makes which kinds of decisions as well as compensation and even exit strategies.
Ken Walker