by Data Age | May 15, 2014 | Business, Education, Industry, Management, Marketing
Want to make a better first impression and engender positive feelings that last a long time? Focus on what you say as much as what you do. First impressions can lead to lasting impressions. So to improve, a lot of people will tell you to dress better, read more (so...
by Data Age | May 15, 2014 | Buying, Gold & Jewelry, Industry
With so many diamonds to choose from, finding the one that’s right for you can feel overwhelming, especially when compared to a jewelry store where choice is much more limited. Consider the following step-by-step guide for choosing a diamond. Everyone’s...
by Data Age | May 13, 2014 | Business, Education, Industry, Management, Marketing, New to the Industry
Being a pawnbroker means to be a lender, a banker of sorts. Pawnbroking is the oldest form of consumer credit. Pawnbrokers extend cash loans secured by merchandise which is pledged. The borrower has a fixed amount of time to come back and repay the loan and redeem...
by Data Age | May 13, 2014 | Business, Education, Industry, Management
Do you have an ultra-talented employee no one else can seem to get along with? Take these 5 steps to improve the situation. Full article
by Data Age | May 12, 2014 | Business, Education, Industry, Management, Marketing
Many of us know that having an active presence on social media is critical for our brands and businesses to remain competitive and relevant. It is equally as important to stay current on what it means to be relevant. Read more
by Data Age | May 12, 2014 | Business, Education, Industry, Management, Marketing
Small talk gets a bad reputation. To avoid this allegedly meaningless drivel, people skip networking events. Or, almost as bad, they attend, but talk to the three people they already know. This is shortsighted, says Debra Fine, author of The Fine Art of Small Talk....