by PawnMaster | Jun 21, 2018 | Customer Focus, customer loyalty
How well is your retail store’s loyalty program working for you? What can you do to make your shoppers more loyal? Two recent studies have some valuable insights. Here’s what you need to know about trends in loyalty programs, why loyalty programs matter, and how to...
by PawnMaster | Feb 15, 2018 | Customer Experience, Customer Focus, Customer Focused Business, customer loyalty
Want to improve your community and help your business at the same time? You can accomplish both of those things and more through random acts of kindness. It might not seem like these simple acts should be at the top of your priority list. But being helpful and kind...
by PawnMaster | Jan 31, 2018 | Customer Focus, customer loyalty
Customer loyalty is often overlooked in local search. The thinking is that people are searching for new places to shop or for things they don’t know about already. If they were a regular or loyal customer, they wouldn’t need to search.
by PawnMaster | Apr 3, 2017 | Business News, Business Success, customer loyalty, Did You Know, In The News, Small Business, Small Business Trends
Based on the interview and other ideas, we’ve come up with five tips for what to look for when you choose a customer loyalty program. Some of the tips apply as well to choosing a gift card program. Look for these attributes when choosing a loyalty program and/or a...